About Us
Improv 4.5.0 Project
was founded by Serhii Velychanskyi, callsign "Сharismat"
Improv 4.5.0 is a recreational ART Therapy based on the principles of applied improvisation known as IMPROvision.Applied improvisation aims to create an atmosphere of personal transformation through improvisational exercises. There is also entertainment-based comedic improvisation, which aims to entertain the audience. We use both approaches to ensure the process of personal transformation happens with humor and positivity.
During improvisation, a person:● Trains their brain muscles and forms new neural connections, leading to constructive and effective thinking.● Gains valuable insights into established beliefs and behavioral patterns with the potential for correction (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).● Sharpens their wit and creative thinking (imagination) – "Creativity is not about finding a new joke but seeing an exit door where others don’t."● Experiments with emotions.● Develops collaboration and synergy skills.● Cultivates proactive thinking (taking responsibility for oneself and situations) – "A proactive person carries their own weather with them" (Stephen Covey).● Learns to listen and truly hear others.● Trains effective communication skills.● Adopts a proactive attitude toward new life circumstances – "The problem isn't in the situation, it's our reaction to it that matters."● Most importantly, shapes a core life paradigm: "Life isn’t what it could or should have been, but what it is now! Turn it into something sweet!"
Adults love to play just as much as children, though their approach is different. They open up and engage in play without even realizing it. This is transformation through play!
IMPROV 4.5.0 is a therapeutic community of like-minded individuals (veterans)! It’s a safe space of trust and mutual support, where we learn to:● Gain the strength to accept circumstances beyond our control.● Find the courage to change what is within our power.● Attain the wisdom to distinguish between the two!
Serhii “Charismat”
Since February 24, 2022, Serhii was a private in the 130th Territorial Defense Battalion, and alongside his comrades, he participated in the defense and liberation of Irpin and the Kharkiv region.In 2023, he became an officer and joined the 72nd Center for Moral and Psychological Support of the Territorial Defense Forces.Before the full-scale invasion, Serhii was involved in applied improvisation and was the first to create a community of comedy improvisation in Kyiv, founding “Improv Club”.Serhii has also authored a book titled "Path to Effectiveness" in which he explores the laws of Improv Comedy and how they can be applied in life.